Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Drafting, Drafting, Drafting

Its about that time of the year when most high school seniors begin applying to colleges and writing their personal statements and revise them until its perfect. Thankfully my mentor, Mr. Blanco, worked in the admissions office for Yale while he was a student there, which comes in extremely handy. I began writing some of these personal statements and asked my mentor to look them over.

Mr. Blanco experiences at Yale did wonders on my essay revisions, even though we're still in the process of drafting them. In the process he took the time to relate the revision process to contracts in law. As an example, he shared with me a contract for a new show called Epic Meal Time in which he had made several revisions and was working on the final draft. Mr. Blanco states that when looking over a contract, " You need everything to be clear, we can't leave room for misinterpretation because that's how these things end up in court. The same goes for your essay, you want to clearly express why a college should admit you, so there's no room for redundancy or incoherent statements."

Mr. Blanco went in to great detail as to how everything in a contract is taken at face value and therefore must mean what it says and make sense so other parties can interpret it the same way. For example, take something as simple as when your parent ask you to wash the car. Your parent never specifying a time would allow for misinterpretation on your part, while your parent meant wash the car now, you saw it as wash the car whenever. This is a common occurrence in law, mostly with payment methods or deposits.

I can't share a picture of the contract as it would violate a code of ethics for my mentor but I'll find an example with revision and update this post with it.

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